Counsel in Community

Biblical Counselors Society

A Collaborative Community for Classic Biblical Counselors

What Is Biblical Counselors Society?

Biblical Counselors Society is a collaborative community for Classic Biblical Counselors and likeminded church leaders. What makes us unique is the opportunity to do the work of counseling in community on a daily basis.We believe putting the Word to work together fosters solidarity, deepens our convictions, strengthens our support networks, and transforms our churches in a uniquely powerful way.There are loads of books, articles, podcasts, and courses out there.But, a collaborative community of biblical counselors like ours does not exist anywhere else.

Who Is Biblical Counselors Society For?

Biblical Counselors Society is for anyone doing the work of biblical counseling on a weekly basis and joyfully adheres to the ACBC Standards of Doctrine.We are not only "professional" counselors, but pastors and church leaders who are committed to the sufficiency and superiority of Scripture to care for souls.

All of our moderators are ACBC Certified Biblical Counselors, and are therefore subject to the ACBC Standards of Doctrine and Conduct. This provides a measure of accountability that's reassuring to our members.

How Does It Work?

By God's provision, you can connect, collaborate, and share actionable resources in an online community that allows us to partner together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.To facilitate this, we've built a structured Society that provides you with a multitude of assets and countless benefits.

What Do You Get?

When you join Biblical Counselors Society, you get:

  1. Dynamic Members Portal: Strengthen your support network and establish ministry partnerships

  2. Community Forum: Enjoy comradarie around shared beliefs, values, and practices

  3. Case Collaborations Forum: Do the work of counseling in community

  4. Prayer Forum: Pray for one another's counselees and ministries

  5. Private Men's and Women's Groups: Develop meaningful relationships and mentorships

  6. Live Community Events: Enjoy Coffee Hour, Member Feedback Forum, Book Club, Prayer, and more

  7. Live Collaboration Events: Collaborate around Hard Cases, Counseling Tools, Homework Resources, and Biblical Application

  8. Case Wisdom Assets: Curated wisdom and insights from high-value member interactions

  9. Counseling Tools: 50+ tools you can take directly into your session starting today

  10. Homework Resources: 230+ resources you can assign to help your counselees progress more quickly

  11. Collaboration Event Replays: Our collection of Collaboration Events, so you don't miss out on these valuable conversations

  12. Monthly Themes: While you're free to discuss whatever you wish, our monthly themes provide you with focus areas throughout the year

  13. Bookmarking Feature: Curate your own library by bookmarking resources, posts, articles, and threads

  14. Access From Any Device: Participate in our Society from your computer, phone, or tablet

Alright. We know it's a lot. And, to be honest, we have more planned...But, don't worry. We've organized everything for a seamless experience that makes the entire Society easy for you to navigate.Sign up for your free trial today and watch a full tour once you're inside.


Foster solidarity and strengthen your support networks as you enjoy camaraderie around shared values, beliefs, and practices.

Our forums allow you to connect with likeminded counselors and church leaders everyday and collaborate on real-world cases in real time. Start counseling in community today.


Collaborate on challenging cases, so that you benefit from the collective wisdom of likeminded biblical counselors and church leaders.

We have live events every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm EST and on Saturdays at 11am EST. Our Live Community Events focus on developing relationships and strengthening our support networks. And, our Live Collaboration Events focus on doing the work of biblical counseling together.

Event Countdown

Our next event is BCS Coffee Hour where we spend time developing meaningful relationships.

    Share actionable resources

    We share resources that are proving effective in our counseling, so that we can build up one another and make a greater impact for the glory of God and the good of His people.

    Our All-Access Membership includes 100's of free counseling tools and homework resources. You can collaborate around these resources, so that you gain wisdom on specific case uses.

    How Much Does It Cost?

    Originally, our membership was priced at $49 a month. At only $1.61 a day, that's very reasonable for people doing the work of counseling on a weekly basis.But, reasonable does not mean affordable.So, in order to accommodate more likeminded biblical counselors and church leaders, we dropped our original pricing by 20% — all the way down to $39 a month. And, you can save another 13% by subscribing to our annual membership.Join today and receive:

    1. Real-Time Forums

    2. Weekly Live Events

    3. 100's of Actionable Resources

    4. Private Men's & Women's Groups

    5. Dynamic Membership Portal

    6. 20% Off Original Pricing

    7. 14-Day Free Trial

    Hear What People Are Saying!

    Counsel in Community

    Contact Us

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    Have questions about Biblical Counselors Society? Fill out the form below, and we'll respond within 24 hours.

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    Counsel in Community

    Statement of Faith

    Statement of Faith

    This Society largely consists of ACBC Certified Biblical Counselors and likeminded church leaders. Therefore, we've adopted the ACBC Standards of Doctrine as our statement of faith.Please review them here: ACBC Standards of DoctrineNote: we want to give people room to work through their convictions. This is not a watchdog community but a collaborative community. With that said, if you are decidedly opposed to the ACBC Standards of Doctrine, then Biblical Counselors Society is not the likeminded community you're seeking.For example, if you embrace the teachings and practices of “clinically-informed” and “trauma-informed” biblical counseling, then Biblical Counselors Society is not for you. While we believe it is good and right to be informed, we don’t believe we should incorporate secular modalities into biblical counseling, which is what these other schools of thought are actively engaged in. And, for them to do so betrays the very definition of biblical counseling and undermines the sufficiency of Scripture. For these reasons, we part ways with these schools of thought, although we count them as brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Counsel in Community

    Our Moderators

    Nick Sevier

    Nick is the Founder & Director of Biblical Counselors Society. He received his BA in Biblical and Theological Studies from Bethlehem College and Seminary, pursued an Advanced MDiv at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is currently completing his Masters of Biblical Counseling at Birmingham Theological Seminary. He is an ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor with 14 years of counseling experience and 2 decades of business administration and leadership experience. He currently lives in South Carolina with his wife, Grace, and his daughter, Audrey.

    Kelly Tarr

    Kelly is the Director of the Smoky Mountain Biblical Counseling Network and Host of the Down to Earth Podcast. She is an ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor and is completing a Masters of Biblical Counseling. She lives in Tennessee with her husband, Blane, and their 6 children.

    Matthew Statler

    Matthew is the Pastor of Sierra Vista Baptist Church, an ACBC Certified Counselor, and the Director of Sierra Vista Biblical Counseling and Training Center. In addition, he is in the process of becoming an ACBC Fellow and completing his doctorate degree at MBTS. Matthew specializes in trauma (including sexual trauma), men's issues, pornography, and sexual sin. He lives in Arizona with his wife, Jessica, and their 4 children.

    Julie Ganschow

    Julie has been involved in Biblical Counseling and Discipleship for nearly 3 decades. She has an MA and a Ph.D., in Biblical Counseling, and is certified through ACBC, and IABC. She is the founder and Director of Reigning Grace Counseling Center and the founder of Biblical Counseling for Women. She is an adjunct professor at SEBI in Brazil, a commissioned member for The Addiction Connection, and teaches internationally for BCMW (formerly OIC). Julie has also authored numerous books and co-authored biblical counseling training course. She makes her home in Kansas City, Missouri, with her wonderful husband, Larry. And, she is passionate about the critical need for heart change in a person who desires change in their life.